Criteria for Renting Earthmoving Equipment for Your Specific Construction Project

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About Me

Maintaining Industrial Equipment During the school holidays last year, I spent time working at my family's manufacturing plant. They have a lot of industrial equipment, and I spent most of my time shadowing the maintenance manager. It was fascinating to see the amount of care and cleaning which goes into making sure all the machines run smoothly. I began this blog as a way to document the different types of maintenance I learned for two reasons. Firstly, because I aim to take over the family business one day, and also to share my knowledge with others who are interested in running their own manufacturing plant.



Starting out as an earthmoving contractor? If so, working with earthmoving equipment is all part of the job. If you don't have the huge initial capital investment required to own earthmoving equipment outright, renting the equipment is a great alternative. Aside from avoiding the stress and hassle of finding a financier for your huge capital investment, you won't incur any depreciation costs on the equipment that you use. Plus, you won't even be required to maintain the equipment.

Before renting earthmoving machines, you should know that there are various rental options available for you to choose from. Read along to find out what these options are here.

Renting Based on Duration of Use

How long do you plan to use specific equipment for a construction project? Earthmoving equipment hire companies offer short-term rentals and long-term rentals to serve the needs of different contractors. If you need to meet immediate needs for earthmoving equipment or use specific equipment for a short period only, typically anything between a few days and six months, a short-term rental will do. Anything six months or longer is considered to be a long-term rental.

If you see yourself needing to use specific equipment daily for a long duration, you might be better off renting the equipment with the option to buy it at the end of the hire period. This is commonly referred to as an RPO (Rental with Purchase Option). 

Renting Based on Availability or Non-Availability of Equipment Operators

As is the case with other types of heavy construction equipment, only trained and experienced people should be allowed to operate earthmoving equipment. This is essential to ensure the safety of everyone involved in earthmoving jobs at various worksites. 

If you already have staff trained and experienced in the use of specific equipment you intend to work with or know where you can outsource such staff, you should dry hire. The dry hire option involves renting the specific equipment you need to use without the complementary personnel needed to operate it.

However, if you need your specific equipment to come with the equipment rental company's operators, then wet hire is the right choice for you and your project.

If you're aiming at getting the most out of your earthmoving equipment rental, choosing the right equipment rental option is important. Feel free to talk to a reputable earthmoving equipment rental company about your contractor equipment hire needs today.

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